Lead with Financial Planning

Sale of a Business

After the sale of an established business, working with Washington Trust’s Wealth Management & Advisory Services enables you to identify your next goals and achieve them with guidance, wisdom and support. Leading with Financial Planning, Washington Trust has built a reputation and earned its clients’ trust.

“It makes me feel very comfortable to have a group to collaborate with, and to set up plans for my clients,” says Commercial Banker Stu Linscott, regarding the clients he refers to Wealth Management & Advisory Services. “This planning really shows how we are the highest quality financial institution the market.”

“This Financial Planning really is the key,” says Sr. Financial Planner Greg Owens . “After creating a thorough plan for our clients, we know their goals, we know the details and we know the importance of the planning as they go forward.”

When working with clients on complex financial situations, such as after the sale of a business, Washington Trust Bank’s Wealth Management & Advisory Services takes into account all aspects of a client’s wealth, considering not just the proceeds from the sale of the business, but also any accounts a client has elsewhere, such as a 401k from their company. Each of these pieces must be considered and pulled together to accurately build and complete a client’s portfolio.

Leading with Financial Planning allows Wealth Management & Advisory Services to develop a multi-strategy approach to address areas of critical importance. After the sale of a business, many clients need to maintain their current lifestyle and standard of living, expect their funds and entire portfolio to be carefully managed, and require financial stability so they can focus on their next business venture.

“It is essential to remember that it is not just a one-time transaction; it’s not just the sale of a company,” says Owens. “There are many other tax items to consider, there are estate planning ideas to bring to the client, and we want to make sure to coordinate those with their other advisors and their attorney, making sure they know and appreciate that we are very hands on here, and that they will be able to talk to the very person who is investing their assets for them. They won’t just be a name on a file.”

Abiding by the proven one client at a time approach that Washington Trust Bank has been successfully using for over 100 years, Wealth Management & Advisory Services builds relationships with their clients, earning their trust and supporting their individual goals.

“Personalization is key,” says Client Portfolio Manager Matt Clarke. “I believe that it is an essential component in developing trust. We have conversations with our clients about their access to our team of money managers, and if any questions or concerns arise, we’re accessible to them at any time.”

Direct access and a personal connection supports Wealth Management & Advisory Services’ goals-oriented, strategic approach, which focuses on diversification, and taking a client’s entire picture into consideration as their portfolio is built. Clients appreciate Washington Trust’s investment philosophy, disciplined approach and the use of risk management strategies.

“I often hear clients say they don’t want all of their eggs in one basket after the sale of a business,” says Sr. Trust Officer Joyce Cutler. “There are risks to spreading out your management with significant wealth, but we know that with our goals-based structure we are managing individual objectives for clients and we are diversifying their portfolio.”

Washington Trust’s Wealth Management & Advisory Services believes diversification is key. They focus on a goals-based approach to client investing, so the right strategy and details are in place for every goal and purpose, to avoid duplication in strategies.

“As we move forward in our relationship with a client, I appreciate that everyone on the team has their area of expertise, and takes ownership of that,” says Cutler. “Every concern, every inquiry, and every question is answered, so our client has that sleep at night factor.”

“With our goal of providing the highest quality, highest value solutions in the market, I am confident the trust my clients develop with us on the commercial side will translate seamlessly into their relationship with Wealth Management,” says Linscott. “I am confident their next steps will be a success, because it’s our team and our planning that really make the difference.”

Greg Owens, JD, CFP®
Vice President & Senior Financial Planner
  1. 206.515.4774
  2. 601 Union Street Ste 3100
    Seattle, WA 98101

Greg is a Vice President and Senior Financial Planner for Wealth Management & Advisory Services at Washington Trust Bank. He is dedicated solely to providing financial planning strategies to high‐net‐worth individuals and families. Greg strongly believes that each client …