
Whether you're a new parent, thinking about getting hitched or planning for your retirement, there's lots to think about when it comes to relationships and money. We've got some helpful tips to navigate the financial aspects of your relationships.

Pet ownership is a dream for many and one that is within relatively easy reach. After all, how much could an animal companion set you back? Surprisingly, quite a bit.

Growing a family can bring much joy, but a new baby often begs the question: how does one so tiny make such a big dent in the budget? Beyond expenditures on all manner of gear – not to mention the costs of upgrading insurance, a car or even a home – one of the biggest recurring expenses is child care.

Broaching the subject of whether your parents need help managing their finances isn’t easy. After all, no one wants to be reminded that they’re getting older and perhaps less adept at keeping track of bills, investments and other money matters.

Maybe your lifestyle isn’t in keeping with that of the Kardashians or Beyoncé and Jay-Z, but surprise… you do have an estate and the associated planning issues. An estate is simply any assets or property you have accumulated, and the planning is ensuring that everything is distributed according to your wishes once you’ve passed.

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