
Whether it’s collecting diapers for needy families, hosting cash mobs to raise money for local charities, or giving away Christmas trees, WTB employees are making a difference in our community.

We have a mascot!

W.T. Banks

Social Good

Washington Trust Bank is passionate about serving the community both financially and through the significant volunteer efforts of our staff. We work with local non-profit organizations to provide for those in need and perform random acts of kindness throughout the year. Being involved in the community is truly at the core of Washington Trust’s values and we are committed to continuing our philanthropic work going forward.

Join Our Community!

If you came for a visit and spent the day with us—you would see that a lot of decisions are based on this very belief to serve the community and that begins at the top. We have great leadership and they believe that we are only as good as the impact we are making in the community.